product image of yes vaginal moisturising gel

YES VM and the NHS

YES Vaginal Moisturiser and the NHS

We are delighted to announce that YES VM has been approved by the NHS and is now on the UK drugs tariff.* YES VM Vaginal Moisturiser, is a long-lasting natural vaginal moisturising gel, which matches vaginal pH but does not contain any of the skin damaging or concerning chemicals typically found in vaginal moisturisers. It has been developed using an internationally patent protected formula to match tissue osmolality and the optimum pH of the vagina. After the success of YES water-based on NHS prescription, we are delighted that women will also be able to benefit from YES VM. Click here to find out more about the difference between YES water-based lubricant and YES VM. YES is recommended by Gynaecologists, Menopause Specialists, Dermatologists and Psychosexual Therapists. Case studies have proven YES VM to be an effective relief from:

  • Menopausal Vaginal Atrophy
  • Chemically or surgically induced Vaginal Dryness
  • Dyspareunia
  • Vaginismus
  • Vulval disorders
YES VM moisturises and soothes dry and sensitive vaginal tissues to alleviate irritation, itching and burning and is:
  • Non-hormonal, oestrogen-free
  • Bio-adhesive so releases moisture where needed
  • Odourless, colourless and no stickiness
  • Safe for use with condoms
  • Suitable for use in combination with topical oestrogen
*To get YES VM on prescription, simply ask your GP. If your GP is already prescribing a different vaginal lubricant or moisturiser, you have the right to ask for an alternative product as many of the substitute vaginal moisturisers contain ingredients which are likely to irritate sensitive vaginal and vulval tissue. VM is available in 100ml tubes for finger application or in packs of 6 pre-filled 5ml single-use applicators and is more cost-effective for long term use than Replens MD or Sylk. To enquire about being prescribed YES VM please give your GP the following codes ask your GP to enter YES into their prescribing software and they will find the following entries: YES VM in pre-filled applicators YES VM 100ml tube (Please note that availability on prescription is at the discretion of your local CCG and GPs Practice).