YES® Vaginal Moisturisers

Vaginal dryness can happen at any stage of life, but you don't have to tolerate it. 
YES® believes a good vaginal moisturiser should be a part of your self-care routine in the same way you moisturise any other part of your body when it's dry. 


Trusted Customer

“After trying so many different brands I was recommended Yes by a menopausal specialist and i’ve never looked back!.”


“Such a gentle product and everything about it just works”

Trusted Customer

“This product does exactly what it says 👏🏾. Absolutely no nasties and very safe to use. I am very happy with my purchase and will be back in due course 😊”

Empower yourself

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Hot Mess: Understanding & coping with Menopause stress on World Menopause Day

Fluctuating hormones during perimenopause and menopause, and an onslaught of physical and emotional symptoms (as many as 48!) can leave you feeling overwhelmed and isolated. The great news is there are effective ways to manage uncomfortable sym...

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Menopause and vaginal dryness: How YES® can help!

Around 17% of women under the age of 50, and over half of women over the age of 51[i]who’ve reached menopause, h...

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Understanding Clitoral Atrophy (and What to Do About It)

Clitoral atrophy isn’t really talked about all that much – which is borderline criminal in our humble opinion because it affects your ability to orgasm! And the female orgasm has no place being pushed back into the shadows...

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Do I Need Vaginal Moisturiser?

Vaginal dryness canaffectwomen at any age. On average, there are 5.8 million women in the UK suffering from vaginal dryness for a variety of reasons.A lot of the time, it can be assumed that women who are going through menopause are affected by...

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Why Choose Us

Discreet Delivery

Discreet delivery, and free shipping on orders over £40/€40/$50.

Vaginal Microbiome

Respects the vaginal Microbiome, pH
Matched where possible.

Gynaecologist Recommended

Designed to be side-effect free, No Parabens, no hormones.

Certified Organic

Organically produced wherever possible, no hidden chemicals.

Understanding Vaginal Dryness

YES® VM can provide relief from the symptoms of vaginal dryness in less than an hour, with relief lasting for up to 3 days. Vaginal dryness (vaginal atrophy) can affect women at any stage of life, Women's Health estimates that 17% of all women will experience vaginal dryness.

Vaginal dryness is common for women experiencing menopause and perimenopause symptoms; in fact, the National Library of Medicine estimates this could be as high as 90% of post-menopausal women! Vaginal dryness can cause itching, burning, dryness and pain during sex or day-to-day life. It can significantly affect a woman’s quality of life, and some may struggle with sex and intimacy as a result.

Causes of Vaginal Dryness

Hormonal factors

Medical factors

Lifestyle factors

As Seen In:

So, how to remedy vaginal dryness? Day-to-day, try applying a vaginal moisturiser to keep the area lubricated and thus more comfortable. Bourne recommends a product called YES Organic. 

Women's Health

What Our Customers Say

Certified Organic & Natural

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

20+ years – Millions of happy customers

YES OB Oil- Based Lubricant
“This is an excellent product - I have VERY sensitive, delicate skin and this works amazing and does not cause any burning or itching. I have been using the Feminine Cleansing Wash as well as the Soothing Plant Oil Natural Lubricant for many years. I will continue to be a faithful customer for life because both products are all natural and cause absolutely no irritation"
YES VM Vaginal Moisturizer
“This product has given me my youth back ! There is not another product on the market that compares. I have tried them all . I’ve been using this product for over a year now. It’s PH balanced so it does not cause problems like other brands . It’s affordable and I can’t imagine living without it . I use it everyday. Thank you for making a safe natural product that is a game changer for post menopausal tissue thinning and dryness."
Dana Boyd
YES COCO - Nourishing Coconut-Oil Natural Lubricant
"The coco based is very easy to use in the individual tubes. No mess. No smell. Great relief for dry situations eliminating the friction."
Trusted Customer
YES WB Water-Based Lubricant
“Very little amount works, and it works really well. We don’t have to reapply, either! My favorite part is knowing it’s paraben free unlike our previous jelly, and it doesn’t dry me out. This tiny bottle last so long, too."