Natural plant based aloe vera lube

Water-Based vs Plant-oil Based Lubricants

Water-Based vs Plant-oil Based Lubricants

Having trouble deciding between our water-based and oil-based lubricants? The main difference between water-based and plant-oil based lubricants is primarily the ingredients within them, which affects their texture and the way in which they can be used to enhance pleasure or reduce discomfort.

Which lubricant should I choose?

When choosing the right lubricant for you, consider what you are personally looking for in a lubricant. We’ve put together the best qualities of each of our lubes to help you decide which suits your needs best:

YES WB water-based lubricant

  • Hydrating formula – Infused with organic aloe vera, this luxurious, silky water-based gel is formulated to rapidly hydrate intimate tissues. This makes it perfect for those experiencing dryness and discomfort during sex, as it quickly works to relieve this symptom.
  • Natural-feeling lubrication – Designed for discretion, YES WB is odour-fee, taste-free and non-sticky. This makes it feel just like natural lubrication!
  • Matched to vaginal pH – YES WB is matched to vaginal pH. Matching vaginal pH may help to protect against bacterial and yeast infections as it does not disrupt your natural vaginal environment. (Only water-based lubricants can have a pH, which is why YES OB plant-oil based lubricant does not have one).
  • Can be used with all types of toys – YES WB can also be used with all toys: including metal, wooden, plastic, glass and even silicone, because our water-based products do not contain silicone or mineral oils. This makes it a great choice for those who wish to use our lubricants for solo pleasure, or for couples who enjoy using toys together.
  • Condom compatible – Another great quality of YES WB is that it is compatible with natural rubber latex and polyisoprene condoms!

YES OB plant-oil based lubricant

  • Soothing formula –YES OB contains two rich organic butters - cocoa butter and shea butter, which impart smoothness and body; plus two fine emollient oils - sweet almond oil and sunflower oil, which confer a silky texture and skin moisturising benefits. YES OB enjoys all the advantages of a silicone lubricant - longevity and silky texture - while being free of any of its unwanted disadvantages. Ideal if you are looking for a lube to nourish your delicate intimate tissues.
  • Longer-lasting lubrication – Due to the high content of natural plant oils, YES OB is longer-lasting in comparison to YES WB, meaning it is perfect for prolonged lovemaking!
  • Doubles as a massage oil – It can also be used for massages! The natural oils in YES OB make it a wonderful skin conditioner, and its velvety texture feels amazing when smoothed onto the body. (An ideal addition to foreplay…)
  • Great for water play – Yes OB is waterproof, so it won’t wash off instantly in contact with water. This makes it perfect if you want to take things out of the bedroom and into a shower, bath or even a hot tub!
  • Cannot be used with latex rubber - YES OB is NOT condom compatible as plant-oils can erode the material (especially latex) which can compromise the material integrity of the condom. We suggest using YES WB instead if you wish to use one of our lubricants with a condom.

Both YES OB & YES WB are made from certified organic and natural ingredients, so you won’t find any glycerin, silicone or other unwanted or concerning chemicals within them! This makes them an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin. Both products are guaranteed pure and natural by their certified organic status, which also means they contain sustainably sourced plant-based ingredients.

Why not use them together?

Still struggling to choose between YES WB and YES OB? Why not try both of our lubricants together? Offering the best of both products, YES DG ‘Double Glide’ lubricant kit contains both YES WB and YES OB. To experience the ‘Double Glide’ Effect, apply YES WB on top of YES OB. This creates an intensification of slipperiness, whilst giving you the longevity and high viscosity of YES OB alongside the natural feeling of YES WB!