Prescription being handed over counter

NHS Prescription Changes & YES

Have you been struggling to get hold of YES WB water based lubricant or YES VM vaginal moisturiser on prescription? Firstly, we would like to reassure you that both products are still available on prescription and offer the same great value for money, (did you know they’re less expensive than both Replens and Sylk?). The issues have stemmed from one small technological hiccup.  Your GP might not be able to find YES if they try to re-prescribe from your records, which makes it appear as though YES is no longer available as an item on prescription. If this is the case, make sure to show them the following information: 

The YES YES Company would like to reassure you that both YES WB water-based vaginal lubricant and YES VM vaginal moisturiser are still available on FP10. The problem in finding these products has arisen because, in December 2018, the description under which YES products were listed on the DMD (Drug and Medicine Dictionary) was changed. This was to clear up confusion between the YES in applicators and YES in tubes variants. However, the various e-prescribing software could not over write the description, they had to discontinue the old listing and reissue the products under the new descriptions. To access the YES range please do not reissue from electronic medical records; go back to the picking list, enter YES and choose the appropriate option: YES VM vaginal moisturiser pre-filled applicators (The Yes Yes Company Ltd) - PIP CODE for GP: 402-3420 YES VM vaginal moisturiser tube (The Yes Yes Company Ltd) - PIP CODE for GP: 402-3412 YES WB water based vaginal lubricant tube (The Yes Yes Company Ltd) - GP: 345-5789 YES WB water-based vaginal lubricant pre-filled applicator (The Yes Yes Company Ltd) - PIP CODE for GP:345-5805 Once YES under the new description has been prescribed you will be able to reissue it from the new entry on medical records in future.

Rest assured, we have also contacted our database of medical professionals to provide them with the above information. We hope that this will rectify the misunderstanding surrounding the prescription changes and the availability of YES. If you do have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at