Why has my pharmacist not heard of YES?
Your local chemist or pharmacy may not yet stock YES® so you will need to ask the pharmacist to order it in for you. Once ordered It should be delivered within 24 hours.
A UK based pharmacist can order using the following codes:
YES® water-based lubricant (WB)
PIP Code - 345-5805 (Pack of 6 Applicators)
PIP Code - 345-5789 (75ml tube)
YES® vaginal moisturiser (VM)
PIP Code - 404-3420 (Pack of 6 applicators)
PIP Code - 402-3412 (100ml tube)
Why has my GP/Doctor not heard of YES?|Why won't my GP prescribe YES (UK)?
There are regional variations in the awareness of GP's to YES product ranges. Both YES® WB and YES® VM are available on NHS prescription. You can help by providing the following information.
YES® water-based lubricant (WB)
PIP Code - 345-5805 (Pack of 6 Applicators)
PIP Code - 345-5789 (75ml tube)
YES® vaginal moisturiser (VM)
PIP Code - 404-3420 (Pack of 6 applicators)
PIP Code - 402-3412 (100ml tube)
It has been included in Part IX(A) of the Drug Tariff under Vaginal Moisturisers since 2014 and available as an ‘over the counter’ product since 2006.
The first thing to do is ask the GP why they will not prescribe Yes when you have requested it.
Although Yes water based is listed on the Drug Tariff under Vaginal moisturisers and is available on prescription, there may be a number of reasons why a GP chooses not to prescribe it.
This could be related to the budget of the practice or the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and a decision may have been made not to prescribe any products that can be bought over the counter.
There may also be an impression that Yes is more expensive than other vaginal moisturisers, which is not correct.
If you are not satisfied with the response that you are given and would like us to investigate further, then please send us an email to: nhs@yesyesyes.org and provide the GP’s name and contact details for the surgery and we will see if we can help.
What are the NICE Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Menopause?
In November 2015, NICE published the first ever Guideline on Menopause following a two-year scoping and development process with an independent development group consisting of Health Professionals and patient representatives. This is a big step forward for patients suffering from peri-menopausal symptoms, menopause and post-menopausal symptoms including those who have had a sudden onset menopause due to cancer treatment.
The draft guideline was made available to registered stakeholders who included pharmaceutical companies, patient representative groups, charities, members of the public and smaller niche-product companies such as The Yes Yes Company. We were allowed to comment on the draft and some amendments were made as a result of this stakeholder involvement.
You can find the final complete guideline here http://www.nice.org.uk/.
For more about NICE, the Guideline on Menopause and your rights as a patient, please click here.