YES Organic Intimacy Week 2022
What is Organic Intimacy Week?
This week is The YES YES Company’s chance to shout about the importance of organic and why product purity matters. Our certified organic status is at the heart of our value system and our mission to ‘change the world from the inside’.
When it comes to skin care, we’re very good at paying attention to our face. It’s a no-brainer to seek out a moisturiser if our skin’s dry, or invest in a blemish buster when acne appears. We may even opt for natural ‘clean’ skin care products. But when it comes to our intimate health, chances are most of us won’t give the products we’re using much thought, let alone the ingredients within them. After all, surely the shower gel we use every day is designed for our delicate tissues? Sadly, that’s not always the case. When it comes to intimate care, mainstream products can actually contain ingredients, such as parabens or hormones which can cause irritation or tissue damage. The American Journal of Public Health suggests that around 60% of what we put onto our skin (particularly the sensitive tissues around the vagina or penis) can be absorbed into the body.
We know ‘we are what we eat’ but we are also what we put onto our skin. By choosing an organic product certified by a third party organisation such as the Soil Association, you can trust that their entire manufacturing process including sourcing of ingredients, formulation procedures and premises, as well packaging has passed a rigorous certification process. Brands that pass the certification process, like YES, have been given the stamp of approval.
Here at The YES YES Company, we are passionate about ‘doing the right thing’ for our customers and so our Organic Intimacy Week campaign aims to educate consumers on what to look for when choosing a product, placing importance on:
- Brand transparency – choosing a brand certified by a third party such as the Soil Association in order to guarantee their integrity and purity of ingredients.
- Being able to understand the ingredients on a label, in order to make informed decisions about products purchased and understanding the effects of these ingredients on the body.
- Understanding that by swapping to organic you can support a system that supports animals, wildlife and the environment.

When is the campaign?
The campaign will run from Monday 8th August to 14th August 2022.
How can you get involved?
Keep an eye out for our informative organic blog series, ranging from topics such as ’What does organic actually mean?’, ‘When did you last check the label?’, ‘The importance of clean wellbeing’ and ‘Voting with your wallet.’
We will also be closely supporting The Soil Association's 'Organic September' campaign, so look out for that!
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Don’t forget to follow us on our social media channels and sign up to our newsletter to receive the latest Organic Intimacy Week news and exclusive offers - you won't want to miss this weekend's offer!