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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Each year over 7,300 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the UK, rendering it the sixth most common cancer among British women. It develops upon abnormal growth within the ovarian cells, and if left undiscovered, it can spread to the abdomen and pelvis. Although common in women of all ages, ovarian cancer predominantly affects post-menopausal women.

Ovarian cancer awareness teal ribbon

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

The beginning of March marks the start of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. YES are marking this month by addressing the common as well as the less frequently asked (but equally important) questions on ovarian cancer, with the objective of destigmatising and further normalising the discussion surrounding the illness. Using footage from a collaboration with The Eve Appeal back in September 2018, we produced a range of five informative videos covering all of the key information across all five gynae cancers. These videos aim to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of gynaecological cancers, and what to look out for.

What signs and symptoms should I look out for?

See below a short video of  YES Ambassador Lavinia Welch discussing the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer.