Our New Branding: Celebrating 20 Years of YES® and AH! YES®
In our 20th year, we’re more committed than ever to supporting intimate health and sexual pleasure through organic products which work with our bodies.
In 2003, Susi and Sarah set out on a mission to Make Vaginas Happy® by creating natural and organic intimate products. Twenty years later they lead an intimate health empire across 113 countries and are normalising the conversation surrounding intimate and vaginal health and wellbeing through their YES® brands.
What have we achieved since 2003?
Since 2003, YES® has built an impressive product range with over twenty intimacy products which are available in more than one hundred countries and on NHS prescription in the UK. And, thanks to the initial success of YES®, we have been able to launch a second brand, AH! YES®, which aims to support and meet the specific needs of women in the U.S.
To raise awareness of the intimate issues women face, whether that’s due to vaginal dryness, uncomfortable sex, gynaecological medical conditions or concern recovery over the last twenty years we have worked alongside charities, social reform groups, womens health brands and influencers to change the narrative and educate about women's intimate health.
We are recommended by gynaecologists, sex therapists, GPs, oncologists, and menopause professionals, and have continually developed our products to better support women who experience intimate health challenges such as vaginal dryness.
What’s new for 2023?
After twenty years, YES® is more dedicated and committed than ever to providing women with a wide range of intimate products that support intimate well-being and sexual pleasure.
Throughout 2023, we will continue to be a leading voice and intimacy expert, with a few new and welcomed changes.
Our new logo
To better align our two brands, we have designed a new logo. This logo will be used to connect YES® and AH! YES® and establish an international identity for both brands.
Our new logo features a unique font and visual aid to engage audiences, old and new.
In addition, our 20th-anniversary logo will also be launching this year to celebrate twenty years of relief from intimate discomfort, twenty years of saving relationships and twenty years of Making Vaginas Happy®.

New packaging
The design of our packaging has been an important and carefully considered value ever since Susi and Sarah embarked on the YES® journey. In 2023, our packaging will reflect the empowered, positive feelings that come with taking control of your intimate health.
This will be achieved through increased use of colour, the inclusion of genuine customer reviews, and an improved, personalised unboxing experience. While this is a welcomed and exciting change, our product values remain the same. You’ll see our new packaging roll out across 2023.
Our commitment
This year we have several exciting announcements and projects to look forward to. In 2023, twenty years since its launch, YES® will be undertaking its biggest study yet on the state of women’s intimate health with its findings published in The Happy Vagina Report.
As always, our brand and charity collaborations will continue throughout the year as we strive to normalise the conversation about vaginal dryness and other intimacy issues.
Our success and resources have even enabled us to create a new role to produce meaningful content on intimate health for every stage of life. Our content aims to guide, support, and inform women of all ages who are experiencing a range of intimate issues and health challenges.
Leading on from this, 2023 will be the year that YES® has an increased focus on brand awareness. Our products support intimate health and sexual pleasure through organic products that work in harmony with our bodies, and we want more women to feel the benefits. So much of the conversation around women's intimate health remains taboo, a situation which means so many continue to suffer unnecessary discomfort and pain. Events, social media advertising, and influencer marketing are all on our radar for this new year.
And of course, we will continue to evolve and develop our products and expand our range to meet the various needs and requirements of women around the world.
AH!YES®, our USA sister brand is designed to meet the specific requirements of the USA market.